Saturday, April 30, 2011

sorry wrong number! Essay


SORRY WRONG NUMBER was a story written by Lucile Fletcher in 1948, New York. The condition of New York in this period was developing. Many inventions were beginning to discover, one of them was telephone. Telephone became main connection of the big city, as New York, but the system of telephone network had not advanced yet. It could be proved when people wanted to call police, hospital and many other public services, they had to call operator first. The limited system of telephone network was exploited for a crime. Since in this period, the condition of New York did not secure enough. The lack of security and public service made murderer easily taken their action.

The story of SORRY WRONG NUMBER in this script just actually shows some important scenes than the original movie. The some important scenes are rather difficult to make the reader understand about what is going on. The way of the author-Lucile- to show the setting is quite difficult to catch. The reader must read every detail word as a clue. For example: It is not too difficult to find the character of Mrs. Stevenson at first, she is the woman who is getting sick, being lonely, little bit arrogant and getting depression easily. It can be seen from the narration and the dialogue when she speaks to operator. But it is quite difficult to catch what she is feeling and how is the condition. I must read in more than once to find her feeling that she always needs her husband – Mr. Stevenson – all the time, she loved him very much. I also have to find another reference to match condition for the setting by watching the movie. By watching the movie, I can find the condition in New York at that time.

The story in this script absolutely makes reader think about every event, but it is the good thing. Lucile is successful to make reader curious, nervous, and having high tension. Lucile place a complicated plot to make reader curious and gives a suitable atmosphere to make reader having high tension and nervous. It is a part of entertainment, because the reader’s emotional involves in the story. The story actually educates the reader. Based on the setting written on the text, we can see how New York in 1948, how telephone worked in the past, how was the security of New York, and how was the social condition in the period. It also gives some suggestion to the reader in order that we must not get panic easily in every condition, because panic sometime makes us unreasonable.

As the conclusion about this story that this story is quite difficult to understand, but it is interested to appreciate. We will be satisfied if we can identify the literature elements of this drama. We will also be excited when we are able to guess some secrets of this story.

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