Friday, August 26, 2011



1. Leaving the old world (mother country)
In this story, the family of Ralph Chang left their mother country; China. They build their own restaurant. It can be seen on page 155 “The cooks and busboys complained that he asked them to fix radiators and trim hedges, not only at the restaurant, but at our house; the waitresses that he sent them on errands and made them chauffeur him around”

2. The exploration of the dominant society and culture.
The dominant society in this story is absolutely American having more modern lifestyle and mind rather than the old one. In this story we have the term of country club. It is a part of American society. Most of American in a certain society gathers in this club. It is to make someone to be acknowledged in their society.
Mona was triumphant. “See, Mom,” she said, waltzing around the kitchen when Mrs. Lardner left. “What did I tell you? ‘I’d just honored and delighted, just honored and delighted.’” She waved her hands in the air.
It shows that what they need is to be delighted and honored. Most of people want to join “country club”, because if they can’t join this, it seems that they don’t want to blend into a certain society in America.

3. Struggle for assimilation, facing trials, test and resistance
Ralph in this story tries to resist the culture of American surrounding him. He insists to join country club. According to him American is selfish. They treat African, for example as a slaver. It is very different with China. Based on the story of Ralph’s grandfather, the grandfather was a person used to care about his surrounding, especially poor man.

4. Severance from the old (traditional)values, cultures and ethnic identity
The person of Ralph’s family who really follows to the culture of America is Mona. Callie and her mother actually don’t really want to join. The culture that Mona gets from the American’s culture is to be more free and more democratic. It can be seen when she joins the Country club, she doesn’t care about her father’s opinion whether he agrees in term of joining such kind of club. Whereas in her culture, it is very important to listen to father’s opinion as the leader of the family. None can’t leave the house if there is any dissent. It is quotes from these sentences:
For in my father’s mind, a family owed its head a degree of loyalty that left no room for dissent. To embrace what he embraced was to love; and to embrace something else was to betray him

5. Assimilation to and acceptance by the dominant society
The assimilation happens when Ralph and his family decides to join country club. The person who invites them, Mrs. Lardner, welcomes them happily. Ralph’s family tries to adapt to this club, even though, it is very difficult for them. It can be seen when Ralph has to wear suit, though, he doesn’t want to wear it because it is very hot. It also happens to the mother who tries to keep herself in her hot dress. Everything is ok before Jeremy Brothers come.
“Ah!” Jeremy bowed a little. “Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me. You are not my man, not my man at all.” He bowed again and started to leave, but then circled back. “Viticulture is not your forte, yes I can see that, see that plainly. But may I trouble you on another matter? Forget the damned bottle.” He threw it into the pool, and winked at the people he splashed. “I have another matter. Do you speak Chinese?”

Jeremy is kind of arrogant person. Jeremy guesses that Ralph is a Chinese man but Ralph says that he is not. Jeremy feels that there is something different in Ralph because he thinks that Ralph doesn’t look like a man having in his society. There is something different when Jeremy gets a chat with him.
Some problems happen in term of the strange behavior of Ralph. His own culture who always teaches him to keep his image. He does not want being asked by someone. It can be seen from this quotation:
“I do not take orders like a servant,” announced my father
Jeremy can’t fully accept this behavior. Jeremy, moreover, seems to find something funny when he gets that there is a price label in Ralph’s suit.
From this condition we consider that there is an effort done by Ralph. His big effort, however, can not totally hide his identity as a Chinese man, because he still keeps his principal as a Chinese man.

6. Rediscovery or assertion of the old ethnic identity
As the Chinese, Ralph always tries to be a simple person. He cares about someone else who really needs his help, for example; Booker and Cedric.
“You know, the Chinese have a saying,” said my mother. “To do nothing is better than to overdo….”
It is actually done by Ralph. He doesn’t want to get into American Society but because of his family’s request, he has to blend into the society.
Something bad from Chinese is that they place themselves in the higher position, if they are an owner. It can be seen from :
He demanded a similar sort of loyalty of his workers, whom he treated more like servants than employees. Not in the beginning, of course. In the beginning all he wanted was for them to keep on doing what they used to do, and to that end he concentrated mostly on leaving them alone. As the months passed, thought, he expected more and more of them, with the result that for all this largesse, he began to have trouble keeping help. The cooks and busboys complained that he asked them to fix radiators and trim hedges, not only at the restaurant, but at our house;

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Devil in Manuscript_essay


The Devil in Manuscript

This story tells about a person (unnamed) who visits the friend who is mad by creating literature, Oberon. Oberon creates many kinds of literatures which embody the character of fiend and written record of witchcraft. He wants to represent them as tradition. He believes that every literature he made has strength of devil, but the person does not believe it. He supposes that it is just mystic. Oberon does not care about it, he has attempted to publish his literature to seventeen booksellers, but there is just one which would like to receive his literature. Oberon successes to publish his work through the book sellers receiving his. Oberon has a half the cost of an edition, and the higher percentage for the booksellers. Oberon then has been surprised when he knows that the book is not as same as his work. Now, he is desperate and sad. The person is just able to take a pity on him. He gives a support so that Oberon doesn’t give up. But Oberon doesn’t control his sadness, he is disappointed. Now he wants to burn his manuscript together with the fiend over there. He burns his manuscript and the fiend now just becomes a legend and a part of mystic.

sorry wrong number! Essay


SORRY WRONG NUMBER was a story written by Lucile Fletcher in 1948, New York. The condition of New York in this period was developing. Many inventions were beginning to discover, one of them was telephone. Telephone became main connection of the big city, as New York, but the system of telephone network had not advanced yet. It could be proved when people wanted to call police, hospital and many other public services, they had to call operator first. The limited system of telephone network was exploited for a crime. Since in this period, the condition of New York did not secure enough. The lack of security and public service made murderer easily taken their action.

The story of SORRY WRONG NUMBER in this script just actually shows some important scenes than the original movie. The some important scenes are rather difficult to make the reader understand about what is going on. The way of the author-Lucile- to show the setting is quite difficult to catch. The reader must read every detail word as a clue. For example: It is not too difficult to find the character of Mrs. Stevenson at first, she is the woman who is getting sick, being lonely, little bit arrogant and getting depression easily. It can be seen from the narration and the dialogue when she speaks to operator. But it is quite difficult to catch what she is feeling and how is the condition. I must read in more than once to find her feeling that she always needs her husband – Mr. Stevenson – all the time, she loved him very much. I also have to find another reference to match condition for the setting by watching the movie. By watching the movie, I can find the condition in New York at that time.

The story in this script absolutely makes reader think about every event, but it is the good thing. Lucile is successful to make reader curious, nervous, and having high tension. Lucile place a complicated plot to make reader curious and gives a suitable atmosphere to make reader having high tension and nervous. It is a part of entertainment, because the reader’s emotional involves in the story. The story actually educates the reader. Based on the setting written on the text, we can see how New York in 1948, how telephone worked in the past, how was the security of New York, and how was the social condition in the period. It also gives some suggestion to the reader in order that we must not get panic easily in every condition, because panic sometime makes us unreasonable.

As the conclusion about this story that this story is quite difficult to understand, but it is interested to appreciate. We will be satisfied if we can identify the literature elements of this drama. We will also be excited when we are able to guess some secrets of this story.



Language is a means of communication. Everyone needs language as media to communicate everything they intend to the others. The study of language is called linguistic. Linguistic by itself can be differed into some types as follows:
a. General linguistic
It is also called theoretical linguistic, because we just discuss about theories in life. This is the study of our daily language.
b. Descriptive linguistic
We just describe how people use language. In this case we do not determine the value of language. So it is not important to judge whether the language is good or bad.
e.g.: We do not have nothing
This is wrong, but it is common in western discourse. Our task is just to determine the value of the sentence
c. Comparative linguistic
It is the branch of historical linguistic that is concerned with comparing languages to establish their historical reladness.
d. Historical linguistic
This study learns about the development of language from the beginning. It is divided into two classes:
Synchronic linguistic : The study of language at present
Diachronic linguistic : The study of language at past (time by time)
e. Applied linguistic
It is the application of linguistic in certain situation or subject
e.g.: Psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic
Some characteristic of linguistic:
a. Linguistic is scientific
Linguistic is everything about language. Language has system and practice. There are many theories about it and it can be proved well.
b. Linguistic is descriptive
Language has variety of characteristic, rule, system, condition etc. it makes the study of language can be described in a certain point.
Language by itself also has its own characteristics, they are:
a. Language is sound
b. Language is linear
c. Language is systematic
d. Language is system of system
e. Language is meaningful
f. Language is arbitrary
g. Language is conventional
h. Language is system of contrast
i. Language is creative
j. Language is unique


English consonant and vowel has a tight relation about the study of the characteristic of speech sound which is called phonetic. It will talk about how the sound is produced so that it can be classified into vowel and consonant. We will focus the phonetic on articulacy or it is defined as articulatory phonetic which is divided into :
a. Voiceless
It will occur when the vocal cord are spread apart, the air from the lungs passes between them unimpeded.
b. Voiced
It will occur when the vocal cord are drawn together, the air pushes them apart so that it creates vibration.
Place of articulation
a. Bilabial
The sounds are formed by both lips. E.g.: [p] which voiceless and [b],[m] which are voiced
b. Labiodentals
The sounds are formed by upper teeth and lower lip. The sounds are: [f] is voiceless and [v] is voiced
c. Dentals
The sounds are formed by tongue tip behind the upper front teeth. The sounds are: [0]is voiceless and [õ] is voiced
d. Alveolars
The sounds are formed by the front part of the tongue on the alveolar ridge which is immediately behind the upper teeth. The sounds are: [d][z][n] are voiced and [t][s] are voiceless.
e. Alveo –palatals
The sounds are formed by the tongue which is placed at the front of the palate, near alveolar ridge. [š] is voiced and [ĉ] is voiceless.
f. Velars
The sounds are formed with the back tongue against the velum are called velars. [k] is voiceless and [g] is voiceless.
g. Glottals
The sounds are formed without the active use of the tongue and other parts of the mouth. The sound is [h]


While the consonant sounds are mostly articulated through obstruction of vocal tract, vowel sounds are produced with a relatively free flow of air.
Front central back
High i
Mid e ә o
Low ^
ǽ a

On the vowel chart, vowel sound between original English dialect and English dialect from other countries are different. The original English dialect is the most appropriate vowel according to the chart.
Diphthong. It is the combination of vowel. In each case, they begin with a vowel sound and end with a glide


In linguistics, intonation is variation of pitch while speaking which is not used to distinguish words. (Compare tone.) Intonation and stress are two main elements of linguistic prosody . (
In some countries, intonation and stress ( also pitch ) is the important thing influencing a word, because if there are two similar words having different intonation and stress there will also be different meaning. It happens , for example, in China.
We can identify intonation into three class:
a. Rising Intonation means the pitch of the voice increases over time [↗]
For example : when someone is angry, happy or asking certain question to others
b. Falling Intonation means that the pitch decreases with time [↘]
For example : When someone is sad
c. Sustained intonation means that the pitch is flat
For example : When there is an utterance has been finished yet

It is the smallest meaningful unit having grammatical function. For example, the word recall absolutely has two morphemes. The first is re- and the other is call. Morphemes are generally short sequences of phonemes. These sequences are recurrent, but not all recurrent sequences are morphemes. It means that all morphemes have phonemes. But many phonemes do not always form morpheme. For example : she can finish it in fifteen days. We have phonemes between in and fifteen. Those morphemes similar phonemes /in/ and /een/. But if we combine those phonemes it can’t be a morpheme.
Morpheme is divided into two distinctions. There are free morpheme and bound morpheme. Free morpheme is a morpheme which is able to stand by itself as a single word. It has a meaning as a word .E.g.: call, possible, polite, send etc. Bound morpheme, however, is a morpheme which is not able to stand by itself. It does not have a meaning as a single word. E.g.: re-, im-, -ed etc.

The identification of morphemes is done almost wholly by variations and refinements of one basic technique.

Allomorph is a particular of morpheme. There are many variation in term of allomorph placement in a morpheme. The use of “s” or “es”, for example; books and boxes. When there is, moreover, a zero allomorph. It happens when there is a singular word having same form as a plural word. For example: Sheep [singular]-> sheep [plural], fish (singular)-> fish (plural). Two elements can be considered as the same morpheme if there are two conditions such as [1] they have some common range of meaning, [2] they are in complementary distribution conditioned by some phonological feature.
Complementary distribution : Each (the two elements) occurs in environments in which the other never occurs – that is if there are no environments in which both occur. One way to make simple statements of variations within a series of morphemes is to select on allomorph of each morpheme as a base form.


morphology is the identification, analysis and description of the structure of morphemes and other units of meaning in a language like words, affixes, and parts of speech and intonation/stress, implied context (words in a lexicon are the subject matter of lexicology). Morphological typology represents a way of classifying languages according to the ways by which morphemes are used in a language —from the analytic that use only isolated morphemes, through the agglutinative ("stuck-together") and fusional languages that use bound morphemes (affixes), up to the polysynthetic, which compress lots of separate morphemes into single words.

Inflection is the process of adding inflectional morphemes to a word, which may indicate grammatical information.
For example : I am looking at the man wearing blue jacket [present continues]
I was looking at the man wearing blue jacket [past continues]


A constituent is one of two or more grammatical units that enter syntactically or morphologically into a construction at any level
It is the technique designed to determine the components in a sentences from the smallest to the largest. It has a tight relation with syntactic structure; structure of modification, predication, complementation and coordination.
Structure of modification is kind of structure focusing on phrase. We have to determine the head and its modifier. Structure of predication is a structure focused on subject and predicate. We have to determine which is the subject and predicate. Structure of complementation is focused on the complement. Whether the predicate is verb or to be. The last is structure of coordination which happens in a compound sentence. We have to determine the coordinate of the sentence.


It is device that we use to identify syntactic construction, they are:
a. Word order
Some words which are arranged in a good order and have a good meaning is not always have a good grammar. For example “I am easy sleepy”, it has a meaning, but there will be misunderstanding because there is inappropriate grammar. It should be “I get sleepy easily”. In contrast there are also some sentences having good grammar but poor meaning. For example, some bread is eaten by me. The sentence is correct grammatically but it is not common related to meaning. It should be “I eat some bread”.
Word order is about the rule to order some words into a sentence grammatically, so that the sentence has an appropriate meaning and grammar.
b. Function word
Word has little meaning of their own. It constructs grammatical construction.
It is about the classification word ; verb, adjective, adverb, and noun
c. Inflectional affixes
It is the affix adding in a word. The affix will inflect the form of the word but it doesn’t change the meaning or the class of the word.
For example:
My sister goes to library ever Friday She went to Prambanan last week
d. Derivational contrast
It is about construction derived from the same stem but they belong to different construction. This construction will change the form, meaning and class of the word.
For example:
Adj N adv
Happy Happiness Happily
Sad sadness sadly
e. Supra – segmental feature
This construction contains of; stress, pitch, juncture, and intonation. They influence each other. They can’t stand alone


Helped the girl
Boy the Myrna saw
Problem absolutely will happen to understand the meaning of the sentences above. We nay use IC cutting, but there is also the other way to do that is transformation. In order to accomplish the movement of constituents , we need a rule to move constituents which derive from the phrase structure rules. It is called transformational rule. The sentence above many be changed:
I helped the girl yesterday
Myrna says the boy last night
There are four kinds of transformation:
a. Transformation substitution
For example : did you see Sarah in your party last month?
Did you see her in your party last month?
b. Transformation deletion and addition
Lee was planning to watch Ice Age
Lee was planning to do it
c. Transformation movement/permutation
You turn the lamp on
Do you turn the lamp on?


A good grammar in a sentence always provides a good language. We need grammar to be such kind of rule so that a sentence has regulation to order. There are three type of grammar. The first is mental grammar. It is derived from internal linguistic to recognize appropriate structure in a language. The second is linguistic etiquette. It is the best structure to use in a language. The third is grammar of certain country. Each grammar of each country absolutely has its own character. Different country will have different grammar

Thursday, April 28, 2011

public relation plan


Vegefood is the wealth of nature

Issue :
We know that recently many of women do not have enough time to spend their activities in the kitchen. They are too busy of their daily routines (which probably works) .They prefer to serve their children instant food rather than their own cuisine. In fact most of instant food is not good for out health. It contains preservative or probably dangerous substances but the women still give it to their children because they think that instant food is easy and quick to cook.
Now we provide an instant food which has no dangerous substance. We include nature substance is our product. Every mother should believe in this product, because it with help them very much. They will not be worried of thinking about their children nutrition when they eat vegefood, because this food is safe. It is also believed that children will love this food because they will not taste too much vegetable (something they absolutely hate). We mix 60% for the meat and 40% for the vegetable, so there will be the taste of meat as many children like
1. Objective :
a. to heal young generation’s food
b. To make the product familiar
c. To show the quality of vegefood
d. To get loyal consumer

2. key message:
This product provides vegetable nutrition and it has no preservative substances or other dangerous substances.

3. PR strategy:
a. target public : Adult women and their children
b. Differentiation : vegetable ingredients , natural process and reasonable price
c. Timing : three month
d. Place : Family place, mother community (arisan)
PR tools
1. Radio and newspaper’s advertisement To make community familiar with the product and to make the sure about the quality of the product Audio advertisement
2. presentation To realize society about the importance of vegetable Inspirational presentation
3. Research To find out the information in term of preservative and dangerous substance in a food Evaluation to differentiate between healthy and unhealthy food
4. Event • To include the children for making the food
• To make sure the mother that this food is healthy • Fun cooking competition
• Article about vegetable

PR plan
Product Social Economic Status Target Public Media desk Media selection
Vegenuged, vegesosis, vegebakso, Vegenoodle
From C+ B Children, women, general public Nourish specialist RRI, SOLOPOS

Event (on June, 2011):
• Theme : Healthy and fun cooking competition for children 7-14 years old
• Fun cooking competition for children and the importance of health presentation which is presented by nourishing specialist. People who are going to join this event must bring 3 packages of vegefood product.
• The presentation about health is hold after fun cooking competition finishes. It is going to be presented by nourishing specialist so that the role of the specialist here is to make the women believed in the quality of this product.
• The use of media is to spread the existence and quality of this product trough this event

a) We are successful to produce a healthy food
b) This product will be recognized by the public
c) Everybody will have proofs about the quality of this product
d) We will get many more loyal customers



Sama , tapi tak sama
Baik, tapi tak baik
Terang, tapi gelap
Kau mau bohong atau mau jujur?

Merantai bayangku dalam ruangmu
Kenapa tanganku berantai?
Kenapa badanku tak bebas bergerak?

Dulu katamu aku polos saat ku kecil
Sekarang katamu aku cantik, sangat cantik
Tapi kau bohong
Ini bukan aku

Kau mau bohong atau mau jujur?

Pop Culture


In daily life, we need to interact with others. Our behavior interacting with our environment is a part of socialization process. The identity one environment with others is different. Carla takes this definition as culture ( What is the most popular in a certain environment will create new identity which is also called as popular culture.
If we talk about popular culture (it can also say as “pop culture”) many people absolutely will have a fresh figure of the recent culture. It is like a same action done by people in a certain community to create their own identity. For some people, they will be proud if they include themselves into popular culture development (It is like an effort to socialize with the environment), moreover, the trend setter of the pop culture is a well known person. For example: Avril Lavigne enjoys wearing yellow mini dress, some people argue that she looks casual but beautiful, they will believe if they wear yellow mini dress, they will also be as casual and beautiful as Avril does. That is the reason why pop culture is called as well liked by many people (Storey, 2001:6). The same action done by community will produce ideas, perspectives, attitudes, images and other phenomena ( From the example above, the idea comes from Avril using yellow mini dress. There is a perspective that she looks beautiful. Some people who state that opinion will take an attitude to wear yellow mini dress. It will create a phenomenon that yellow mini dress is a trend in fashion. It depends on each person to judge, whether the culture is good or bad. Even though we have our eastern norm to limit our attitude in filtering western culture, now however the norms will be shifted time by time because of the recent culture will influence the mind of some people.
Popular culture is able to determine the class in the society. Most of pop culture related to the something luxurious, because usually the trend setter of pop culture is a famous person. There is an assumption that people who are capable to follow the popular culture are an up to date person and it also gives impression that they have a high culture. People who can’t totally follow the trend of pop culture will have an impression that they are out of date. They will look strange because they don’t act as common people. For example; you will look strange if you wear big and thick glasses when many people are interested wearing soft lenses or small glasses. It makes pop culture defines as mass produced commercial culture and high culture is an individual act of creation.
Many people assume that following the trend in pop culture will make them as a normal person. They will not look strange, because the need to socialize themselves into their own environment. The trend of pop culture is not always a new or fresh thing. It can probably the old culture which is needed to renew little bit. So we can’t exactly predict what is the next pop culture.

Storey, John. 2001. Cultural Theory and Pop Culture. Great Britain: Prentice Hall